Polly Harder is the Director/President of Jordan House Ministries, Inc., which she founded in 1993. Jordan House is a non-profit corporation/ministry whose vision is to help mentor and counsel individuals with their transition from an unproductive place in their lives to the plans and purposes God has for them. Polly has over 25 years of counseling experience. This counseling is Christian, faith-based and reaches out to individuals, marriages, and family relationships. It covers all areas of trauma and dysfunction. Her prophetic anointing gives her the ability to help her clients accurately and effectively. JHM also coordinates with other churches and ministries to help them establish their outreach programs.
Polly has 48 years of entrepreneurial experience, owning six companies, and working in the marketplace in the areas of training, management, publishing and counseling.
In 2006, she started R.H. Publishing to help others bring their passion for writing to the marketplace. Her many authors are known both nationally and internationally around the world. Her amazing skills to ghostwrite, edit and creatively format the interiors and book covers has helped many bring their writing creations to life.
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For a little over 10 years, Polly worked for Christ For The Nations, Inc., in Dallas, Texas—two years as the Managing Editor and then as the Director of Publishing. For two semesters in the Evening and Weekend Program at CFNI she taught the class, Writing To Publish. She also taught an Emotional Health and Wholeness Class to the 3rd year majors.
She also serves on a part-time basis as the Managing Editor for other Christian-based magazines.
She speaks at conferences and does individual events on overcoming past events to be well and whole emotionally.
Polly is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, majoring in Pastoral Counseling. She has her Bachelor’s Degree from Life Christian University in Theology and Biblical Studies and her Master’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry. She is licensed and ordained through World Bible Way Fellowship and the ministry is a member of Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International, (FGFCMI) both in Irving, Texas.
Polly has authored five books:
THE VICTIM PANDEMIC - Teaches you how to truly live life to the fullest. At some time in everyone’s life the opportunity will come when we find ourselves in the role of a victim. The crisis situations we are all facing today are certain proof of this. Regardless of when it happens—whether we’re young or old—life itself isn’t always fair. SO HOW DOES ONE RECOVER FROM DEVASTATION—FROM BEING A VICTIM? Read this book and learn how.
YOU CAN HEAR ME - Conversations With God, presents a biblical foundation why mankind is not only able to speak to God in prayer, but to also have the confidence that He desires to have more than a one-way conversation with them. This book will teach you how simple it
is to hear His voice and bridge the communication gap.
DON’T BE AFRAID, Vol. 1, uses 366 Bible scriptures to teach individuals how to live healthy, productive, rewarding lives, while trying to navigate in a world that is filled with personal disappointments, traumas, and fear.
COMMUNICATION FOR LIFE “COMPLETE MAKEOVER FOR THE SOUL,” is a training manual and workbook that is designed to help individuals identify the root of what keeps them in the same unproductive, negative cycles, and it provides the necessary tools to fix their problem areas, keeping them empowered to remain victorious.
In addition to leading training seminars to teach this life-changing program, Polly also provides career and personal counseling, mentoring, and life-skills coaching to both individuals and groups.
THINKING ABOUT PUBLISHING? is a beginners guide to know how to write—starting can be the most difficult part. This book presents simple, basic steps for one to not only know how to begin, but finish what the Lord has called them to do.
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